T-SQL Drop Stored Procs - NetTiers version via cursor
After generating all CRUD procs with several different naming prefixes, my database was looking messy. So I knew what I wanted to produce but I needed to get rid of all these other procs. So how to quickly drop all the procs. Wayne said he had a codesmith template for it but I couldn't wait. I google'd and found another person that had the same problem after a heavy CodeSmith NetTiers session. His method was not too different from my post from yesterday . I did my final gen of procs via NetTiers but instead of going into the database, sent them to a file. I opened the file to find the following code which should have been both obvious in that NetTiers would need it and where I should look for it: BEGIN DECLARE @procedureName SYSNAME DECLARE c CURSOR FOR SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'P' AND objectproperty ( id , 'IsMSShipped' ) = 0 AND name LIKE 'NetTiers_%' AND name NOT LIKE 'WW_{0}_%' OPEN c FETCH NEXT