Apple Store Passbook UML Diagrams and Error Messages
While working on a recent project, a major stumbling block was a lack of clear documentation of what happened where. This was confirmed when I attempted to search for some of the messages returned to the Log REST points by iPhone.. There were zero hits! In terms of a Store Card, let us look at the apparent Sequence Diagram Log Errors Messages Seen and Likely Meaning Passbook Inactive or Deleted or some one changed Auth Token [2016-08-28 11:57:01 -0400] Unregister task (for device ceed8761e584e814ed4fe73cbb334ee9, pass type, serial number 85607BFE98D91A-765F7B05-D5E4-4B32-B16D-69C2038EF522; with web service url encountered error: Authentication failure [2016-08-28 20:44:25 +0700] Register task (for device 19121d6b570b31a3fa56dbd45411c933, pass type, serial number 85607BFE98D91A-765F7B05-D5E4-4B32-B16D-69C2038EF522; with web...