Create Azure DevOps Pipeline for React App deployment to Azure app service
Disclaimer: All opinions in this post are mine and not my employer (Microsoft). If you know of a more correct or performant way to accomplish work discussed in this post, please let me know at email . Many projects I work on are in progress by the time I work on them. I can't change previous design or architecture choices, but just solve a specific technical issue. Secrets stored in Azure Key Vault All secrets for the React app are stored in Azure Key Vault. These secrets need to be pulled from Key Vault and set into the environment so that the `npm build` script uses those values. In order for the Azure DevOps Pipeline to connect to Azure Key Vault, you need to complete some work before you develop your Pipeline: Create a Key Vault and store your React build secrets, such as an Azure Functions key, used to authenticate and use the Function. Your secret doesn't have to have the same name as your React build variable. Please don't try. Ke...