
Showing posts from March, 2012

Post-Ruby High with BDD in .Net

I mentioned in my last post how much I enjoyed Ruby and wanted to continue to use it in my project. That is easier said than done.   In order to leverage all the great Ruby ( RoR ) tools and methodologies I learned, I’m attempting to find .Net equivalents. This started with finding a Behavior Driven Development ( BDD ) tool. There are several that come up but they are a hybrid to a BDD (I picked SpecFlow ) tool siting on top of a TDD tool ( NUnit or MSTest).  I also needed a web driver to make calls to a browser and verify results. I looked at WatiN but went with Selenium .   The next two tools I need to add are a mocking tool ( Moq ) and an injection tool (probably NInject ).   Since the class used GitHub and Heroku , I’ll also stick with that. My GitHub account is DFBerry .  All my example code is posted up their in public repositories.

Results of .Net Developer’s 5 weeks with Ruby (RoR) and SaaS

Introduction Several things happened in a short period of time to influence my decision to take a Ruby/SaaS class. I’m a lifer on .Net or more specifically Asp.Net and it’s precursor, Asp. First, the MVC .Net book I was reading at the time said programmers either use .Net or Ruby for MVC development but not both. Second, an online UC Berkeley class was free and gave me both a new language ( Ruby ) and backfilled any software-as-a-service (SaaS) holes in my knowledge. Third, the class used the Agile methodology which I had bits and pieces of. I wanted to see someone else’s interpretation put into practice.   Ruby on Rails (RoR)/MVC I knew MVC , web protocols, and web development so the learning curve was all Ruby. The class had a quick pace where I knew how to do it in .Net but not Ruby. Ruby, fortunately, is a very easy language to pick up. It feels very much like a script kiddie toy but  more powerful.   Interpreted versus Compiled Ruby is interpreted w...