Theory about Test Environments
Often my career has faced dealing with an arbitrary environment to test in. This environment preceded my arrival, and often was still there at my departure with many developers became fatalistic towards this arbitrary environment. This is not good. The Rhetorical Goal Recomposed “We use our test environment to verify that our code changes will work as expected” While this assures upper management, it lacks specifics to evaluate if the test environment is appropriate or complete. A more objective measurement would be: The code changes perform as specified at the six-sigma level of certainty. This then logically cascades into sub-measurements: A1: The code changes perform as specified at the highest projected peak load for the next N year (typically 1-2) at the six-sigma level of certainty. A2: The code changes perform as specified on a fresh created (perfect) environment at the six-sigma level of certainty. A3: The code changes perform as s...