
Showing posts from 2020

Node.js, npm, yarn, & those lock files

The following is my opinion and doesn't represent my employer.  Install Node.js If you are like me and work across operating systems and environments (local, container, cloud), you have one or two bullet-proof ways you install Node.js. The Node.js organization has done a great job of listing those.  I'm sticking with the following: * For Windows installations - use the Windows download .  * For all other installations, including VM, Container, Mac, *Nix - use the bash script Never, under any circumstances, use the apt or apt-get package manager to install Node.js. At this point, that is equivalent to a code-smell.  NPM vs YARN NPM should be your package manager of choice when installing an NPM package. If you run into problems, log an issue .  Debugging Node.js projects with NVM and lock files The Node Version Manager (nvm) and lock files are for the developer of a project to be able to get back to an exact version of the entire development environment to debug ...

Hosting front-end applications on Azure

I have a catalog of small front-end Javascript apps built with Angular (ng) and React (CRA and Next) I would like to host on Azure. Hosting on Azure Azure provides features for a web host: * Options from big to small - full VM , container , web app , or host static website * HTTPS and URL - every Azure resource is served via HTTPS with a dedicated URL - no need to buy a certificate or domain name until needed. No Configuration changes In order to reduce hidden problems, each front-end app should be installed and running with no configuration change away from the development environment such as a to change the routing of assets from absolute to relative, or folder and subfolder naming. Consistent & immediate deployment Once the app is ready to deploy as a collection of static files, there shouldn't be a need to spend time preparing the hosting environment. The front-end system deployment steps should be consistent regardless of which front-end framework the proje...

OSS @Microsoft - Docs

Open source software (OSS) at Microsoft allows everyone to see, comment, and contribute to the products, services, documentation, sample code, and SDKs they use. I work at Microsoft and my opinions are my own. The Microsoft documentation set is not a single GitHub repository. It is many repositories, all with active writers, support engineers, and SLAs. When you see an issue in the docs or you think a concept or technique is unclear, GitHub repositories allow you to: Add an issue, via an Edit button , that is sent directly to the Product group or Content Developer.  Create a pull request (PR), that is sent directly to the Product group or Content Developer.  Is this open source though? Absolutely. You can immediately impact all users of the docs in a positive way. 2 things you can do when logging an issue against the docs: Be specific. Your comment is attached to the entire doc. Be specific where in the doc the issue is and what wording, image, or sample cod...