Running Tests in Docker for Front-end Developers (ng2+)

Unit tests (karma/jasmine) & End-to-end tests (protractor)

If you are comfortable with Docker and Angular 2, all you need is the Dockerfile. If you are new to testing in Docker, this short article will bring you up to speed. If you need more help getting up to speed with Docker, begin with my previous article: Docker for Angular 2 devs.


In order to develop Angular 2+ in a container, you need to install Docker on a computer or VM. Docker takes a bit of memory and can take a lot of space so the biggest box you can give it is best. Once Docker is installed, start is up.

Make sure all your docker commands are run from the folder that contains the Dockerfile.


Docker works by reading the description of a Dockerfile (or several in conjunction), to build out an image. Once the image is running, it is called a container.

This particular Dockerfile is based on a Docker image that already has headless chrome, markadams/chromium-xvfb-js:7. There are several Dockerfiles at Docker hub for headless chrome. If this base image or my additions do not work, feel free to play around with other Dockerfiles. You will find references/websites at the bottom of this article.

What Does this Dockerfile do 

This Dockerfile installs the angular2-webpack-starter (and all dependencies). I use it as a development environment that I connect to and run the tests myself as I develop. I'm using the angular2-webpack-starter as my base test that the Dockerfile has all the needed dependencies to complete both the unit tests and the end-to-end tests successfully.

If the starter can run both types of tests, it should be fairly straightforward to add your own repository to the container for development and testing. The container has the full stack for this: Git, NPM, Yarn, Node, and Angular+, ng-cli, Webpack, Karma, Jasmine, Protractor, http-server.

Why use the angular2-webpack-starter?

I wanted an Angular 2+ project that used as much of the same stack as my current projects that also had unit tests and e2e tests. In order to validate I have the right Dockerfile configuration, all I have to do is run both types of tests in this repository. If they succeed, my own tests for my own projects should succeed as well.

Can I see it working?  

Yes, I have a short 4 minute video showing it from building the docker image to the final e2e test run. I've cut out 11 minutes of Docker building the image as there is a lot of installation of dependencies.

Using as a Development Environment 

I use this container as my main development & testing environment. I share my local repository folder into the container with the –v param and expose a small range of ports to allow for several front-end and api servers to run at once.

The angular2-webpack-starter runs on port 3000 so I open 3000-3005. This allows you to use your host computer to access the website (http://localhost:3000) as long as the port isn't in use on your host machine.

What are the important parts of the Dockerfile?  

There are definitely packages and settings in the Dockerfile you may not use, but there are a few you need to keep.

Protractor needs to know where the Chrome bin directory is. If you remove that environment variable, Protractor will not be able to run the tests. Protractor also needs the default-jre.

Getting karma/jasmine tests working in a container using headless chrome seems to be easy compared to protractor e2e tests. If you change the file, always use the protractor e2e test run as the verification that the change did no harm.

Git Commit Hash 

Since the repositories for both my Dockerfile and the angular2-webpack-starter will change over time, I'm noting the git commit hashes of the versions I used.
commit e9521a42  - Sat Apr 22 19:27:33 2017 -0400
commit 38b7554c Sun Apr 30 13:23:17 2017 -0700


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