
Showing posts from 2017 for Windows 10 Desktops in the cloud

I recently needed a clean Windows 10 desktop for testing purposes. I couldn't use Docker, Vagrant, VirtualBox or any of the other local-to-my-computer VM solutions. I tried the Amazon Workspaces solution but it had the typical UX of 30 questions I don't know the answer to. I just wanted a desktop that could download from the Internet. to the rescue! Within 5 minutes I had a Windows 10 desktop in a browser and the hardest questions where how much CPU and ram I wanted. The cost was incredibly inexpensive too. The test only took 10 minutes and I destroyed the cloud machine after that. This was the easiest, fastest, and cheapest solution to the problem.

SQL Server AAD Authentication Error

Are you seeing this error from your ADO.NET Code Trying to Connect To Your SQL Server via Active Directory Authentication: Exception=System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Failed to authenticate the user NT Authority\Anonymous Logon in Active Directory (Authentication=ActiveDirectoryIntegrated). Error code 0x800703FA; state 10 Illegal operation attempted on a registry key that has been marked for deletion.  The issue might be that you are running a windows service or a scheduled task with a user that has logged off. In Windows Server the registry hive for the current user is loaded when the user logs into the machine, and unloaded when they log off. This means that if you service account is running under a user that is logged off then the registry hive will not be available. ADO.NET AAD in .NET 4.6.1 uses the registry hive of the running user -- which could be the user of a service. To solve this problem you need to tell Windows Server not to unload the registry

The Core 2.0 Environment for NodeJs Developers

NodeJs & .Net Core NodeJs and the ecosystems have used very different paradigms until recently. This article will show you where they are similar – the 10,000 feet view – when using the Core 2.0 environment. With NodeJs, as the developer you might have chosen to build a web server or a cli tool.  Your favorite interactive development environment (IDE) might just be a terminal window or Google Chrome DevTools. With (not .Net Core), Microsoft provided the web server ( IIS ) and the IDE ( Visual Studio ). You can develop many different applications including web sites and cli tools. With .Net Core 2.0 , the focus is on portable code, and the result feels much closer to NodeJs. For this article, I'm going to ignore all issues that would make the comparison apples to oranges and instead focus on issues that make the comparison apples to apples. Moving forward, any reference to Core 2.0 will be just . Net Core . NodeJs 6.9.1 will be just No

Agile Manifesto -- Some 16 years later

" In 2001, 17 individuals gathered in the Wasatch mountains of Utah to find common ground around Agile. After much skiing, talking, relaxing, and eating, they arrived at four common values that led to the development of the Agile Manifesto."[ source ] [ Wikipedia ] Going to , we see just 14 people listed, what appears to be their feeling on what promised so much hope some 15 years ago. Mike Beedle   Arie van Bennekum Alistair Cockburn "  “Agile has become overly decorated. Let’s scrape away those decorations for a minute, and get back to the center of agile. The center of agile is … ” [ 2015 ] Ward Cunningham "  "I have seen my ideas diluted as they diffused through the industry". You said "I’d much rather move to the next idea than struggle to keep the last idea pure." [ 2011 ] Martin Fowler Jim Highsmith  -  Don’t “Control” Agile Projects Agile Bureaucracy: When Practices become Principles Andrew Hunt

Running Tests in Docker for Front-end Developers (ng2+)

Unit tests (karma/jasmine) & End-to-end tests (protractor) If you are comfortable with Docker and Angular 2, all you need is the Dockerfile. If you are new to testing in Docker, this short article will bring you up to speed. If you need more help getting up to speed with Docker, begin with my previous article: Docker for Angular 2 devs . Installation  In order to develop Angular 2+ in a container, you need to install Docker on a computer or VM. Docker takes a bit of memory and can take a lot of space so the biggest box you can give it is best. Once Docker is installed, start is up. Make sure all your docker commands are run from the folder that contains the Dockerfile. Dockerfile  Docker works by reading the description of a Dockerfile (or several in conjunction), to build out an image. Once the image is running, it is called a container. This particular Dockerfile is based on a Docker image that already has headless chrome, markadams/chromium-xvfb-js:7. There are several Do