Converting SalesForce SOQL results to a Linked Dataset for use by C#

In my last post, I illustrated the 'simple' way of getting the data back - by just creating a Xml Document from the results. This is not always efficient -- in fact, I have gotten out of system memory errors on some queries.

In this post I will take the same query and show a little slight of code. The query was:

  (SELECT Name, Email FROM Contacts), 
  (SELECT CaseNumber, CreatedDate, Subject, Status, Resolution__c,  ClosedDate, SuppliedEmail,SuppliedName FROM Cases
   WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:366 
   AND Origin != 'Internal' 
   AND OwnerId !=     '00G40000001RTyyEAG' 
   AND RecordTypeId IN ('01240000000UTWP', '01240000000UWxM', '01240000000UWxl', '01240000000UWxb')

 FROM Account  

 WHERE ID IN (SELECT AccountId FROM Contact Where Email in ({0}))

Extension Method to Handle SOQL Result Columns

The code below takes the results from the query and creates a DataTable from one column. This is our fundamental building block suitable for all SalesForce queries.

You could call this in a nested manner if you have nested objects in your query -- but I assume just one layer deep.

    /// Converts a Salesforce style XMLElement into a datatable
    /// A "Column" returned from Salesforce
    /// DataTable
    public static DataTable SalesForceToDataTable(this XmlElement element)
        var result = new DataTable(element.LocalName);
            if (element.ChildNodes.Count == 1)
                if (!result.Columns.Contains(element.LocalName))
                DataRow row = result.NewRow();
                row[element.LocalName] = element.InnerText;
                foreach (XmlNode child in element.ChildNodes)
                    switch (child.LocalName)
                        case "size":
                        case "queryLocator":
                        case "done": break;
                        case "records":
                            DataRow row = result.NewRow();

                            foreach (XmlElement field in child.ChildNodes)
                                var colName = element.LocalName + "_" + field.LocalName;

                                if (!result.Columns.Contains(colName))
                                row[colName] = field.InnerText;
        return result;

Building and linking a DataSet across columns

As we saw in our last post, we have subqueries appearing in a single column, as illustrated below:

The routine above handles each column. To put it all together, we use the code below.

public static DataSet QueryCases(string myquery)
    var result = new DataSet();
        var binding = new AdminConsole.WebSalesForce.SforceService();
        binding.SessionHeaderValue = new AdminConsole.WebSalesForce.SessionHeader();
        var salesforce = SaleforceUrl;
        if (salesforce != null)
            binding.SessionHeaderValue.sessionId = salesforce.sessionId;
            binding.Url = salesforce.serverUrl;

            binding.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
            var results = binding.query(myquery);
            var done = false;
            while (!done && results.size > 0)
                var masterKey = 0;
                foreach (var record in results.records)
                    var tableIndex = 0;
                    foreach (XmlElement key in record.Any)
                        var newTable = key.SalesForceToDataTable();
                        newTable.Columns.Add(DataSetKey, masterKey.GetType());
                        foreach (DataRow row in newTable.Rows)
                            row[DataSetKey] = masterKey;
                        // On the first table we ADD to dataset, on subsequent we append the records
                        if (masterKey > 0)
                            foreach (DataRow row in newTable.Rows)
                        if (result.Tables.Count > 1)
                            result.Relations.Add(result.Tables[0].Columns[DataSetKey], newTable.Columns[DataSetKey]);
                done = results.done;
    return result;

Converting Linked DataSet to DataTable

What we are doing is adding a new key to tie the data in each column together and adding it as a relationship to the dataset. This is generic code still -- works for almost any query.

The last step is flattening this dataset into a data table so I may display it in a Telerik Grid. I need to match case to contact (which would be easy with a proper SQL language). My solution is shown below:

private DataTable FlattenDataSet(DataSet dataset)
        var result = new DataTable();
            // Create all columns
            foreach (DataTable table in dataset.Tables)
                foreach (DataColumn col in table.Columns)
                    if (!result.Columns.Contains(col.ColumnName))
            //Import the 1:1 relationships into the table
            foreach (DataRow row in dataset.Tables["Cases"].Rows)
            // Import the 1: of the 1:m relationship
            foreach (DataRow master in dataset.Tables["Name"].Rows)
                DataRow[] rd = result.Select(DAL.daSalesForce.DataSetKey + "=" + master[DAL.daSalesForce.DataSetKey]);
                foreach (DataRow row in rd)
                    foreach (DataColumn col in dataset.Tables[0].Columns)
                        row[col.ColumnName] = master[col.ColumnName];
            // For each contact (expected to be fewer than cases) We lookup the cases they submitted
            foreach (DataRow master in dataset.Tables["Contacts"].Rows)
                DataRow[] rd = result.Select("Cases_ContactId='" + master["Contacts_Id"] + "'");
                foreach (DataRow row in rd)
                    foreach (DataColumn col in dataset.Tables["Contacts"].Columns)
                        row[col.ColumnName] = master[col.ColumnName];
     return result;
        return (DataTable)Session["SalesForce"];

Bottom Line

Salesforce SOQL results can be handled in .Net using an extension and moving the data into a DataSet.  Once the data is there, you may have a little dataset grunting to get it transformed into the appropriate format.


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