Linq DateTime.UtcNow and SQL DateTime Datatype

Recently I have being using SQLMetal that generates dbml and the backing code. I encountered a problem that was obtuse, apparently good code was failing to execute. The message from Linq was "Row not found or changed".


Launching SQL Profiler showed me the SQL


exec sp_executesql N'UPDATE [WebApp].[OperationInfo] SET [WorkflowResultsID] = @p8 WHERE ([MachineVersionID] = @p0) AND ([OperationID] = @p1) AND ([ExecutionDate] = @p2) AND ([OperationType] = @p3) AND ([WorkflowResultsID] IS NULL) AND ([ConfigurationResultsID] IS NULL) AND ([SequenceResultsID] IS NULL) AND ([ExecutionGuids] IS NULL) AND ([WorkRequestID] IS NULL) AND ([LastStep] = @p4) AND ([TrafficRuleCommitStatus] = @p5) AND ([CreatedUTC] = @p6) AND ([LastModifiedUTC] = @p7)', N'@p0 bigint,@p1 bigint,@p2 datetime,@p3 smallint,@p4 varchar(12),@p5 smallint,@p6 datetime,@p7 datetime,@p8 bigint',@p0=1,@p1=6,@p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.2470000',@p3=1,@p4='Requirements',@p5=0,@p6='2010-08-05 09:56:47.2470000',@p7='2010-08-05 09:56:47.2470000',@p8=3

Manually executing, I got:


Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 4

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.


Looking at the TSQL, I said huh???!!!???


I then tried an experiment.


Declare @p2 datetime

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.247'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.2470'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.24700'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.247000'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.2470000'

The red ones gave the above error messages.


Tried it with:


Declare @p2 datetimeoffset

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.247'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.2470'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.24700'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.247000'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.2470000'

Set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.2470000'

Set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.2470000'

Everything worked....

then with

Declare @p2 datetime2

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.247'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.2470'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.24700'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.247000'

set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.2470000'

Set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.2470000'

Set @p2='2010-08-05 09:56:47.2470000'

Everything worked....


In the C# code, I had changed the code from








This change was causing the problem!


The solutions are

  • OperationInfo.CreatedUTC=DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();
  • Changing the database column types.


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